Massage Therapies Can Aide With Cancer Treatment Recovery

When your body’s natural capabilities are disturbed due to the internal stimuli, it can promote the growth of cancer cells. These disturbances include unbalanced pH, weakness of the immune system, and low levels of oxygen in the body. While you try and cure these problems, the cancerous symptoms can also be healed; nonetheless, you need to be fully committed to the natural treatments for cancer.
Let’s unleash the natural healing capabilities of your body. Massage therapies will not just make your immune system stronger but will also ease the side effects of toxic cancer treatments as well as fortify your body.

Benefits of Massage Therapy

Science has approved chemotherapy and radiotherapy as successful treatments for cancer; even then the side effects they bring along cannot be ignored. They host a number of side effects including nausea, fatigue, hair loss, weakened immune system, body aches, anxiety as well as depression. Hence, it would be safe to say that chemotherapy is a painful treatment for cancer.
Various studies have proved the fact that regular massage therapies can help ease the side effects of chemotherapies. According to a survey, patients receiving massage therapies during their course of chemotherapies reported many positive ramifications:
  • Decreased anxiety and stress
  • Mental clarity 
  • Sound sleep
  • Recovery of the scar tissues
  • Alleviation of body aches
The gentle strokes of massage bring nothing but sheer relaxation for the aching body; therefore, massage is considered as one of the most soothing things for cancer fighters. For this, purchasing an affordable massage chair is an amazing option. Massage chairs are quite advanced now, and they can imitate everything that a masseur does. You can adjust the settings according to your body’s comfort level, and they offer a lot of massage therapies that you can try on a daily basis.

Is it safe for a cancer patient to have a massage?

Massage therapies are something too relaxing, so the gentle strokes of massage and low vibrations are considered safe for patients at every stage of cancer. In case of a surgery, a wound, or a tumor, the particular area of the body should be avoided.

Massage & the Lymphatic System

There is a proper network of nodes, blood vessels and organs in the body, through which the fluids are moved. It is known as the lymphatic system of the body. It regulates the movement of fluids with every step you take. The lymphatic system is considered a significant part of your body’s immune system.
You may have thought at some point that these strokes of massage might spread the cells of cancer through the lymphatic system of the body. However, studies have shown that the circulation you receive through massage does not spread the disease. According to medical research, the cancer is metastasized because of the gene mutation (changes to the DNA of a cell) and a few other changes in the body.

Top Researches (About Massage & Cancer)

According to many pieces of research, massage can aide with cancer treatment as well as recovery.  
A research was conducted in the United States in 2004 that studied the outcomes of regular body massage on more than 1200 cancer patients for about three years. The group of people admitted in hospitals received around 20 minutes of body massage every day; whereas, terminally ill outpatients received 1 hour of regular massage therapy. The results found that patients who had 1 hour of body massage everyday recovered better and had lasting benefits. But overall, body massage on a daily basis helped the cancer patients a lot. It eased the pain, reduced the fatigue, symptoms of depression and even nausea.

A study was performed using massage therapies mainly aromatherapy for healing the cancerous symptoms. Ten random groups were selected, in which eight of them were controlled. The results were clear that regular massage therapy significantly reduced the stress as well as anxiety. It even helped alleviate the pain caused by the toxic treatments.

Another research was performed in the USA, where they took 39 subjects with cancer and studied the effectiveness of regular massage therapies, aromatherapy and rest on them. It concluded that massage therapies worked really well in notably reducing the levels of stress hormone in people who had Leukemia.

